How Does DBT Therapy Work

July 9, 2024
How Does DBT Therapy Work? Neil Colvin at Thera-fi Counseling Services Explains
How Does DBT Therapy Work?

How does DBT therapy work is a question that we get frequently.

Let’s dive into an explanation of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) that’s tailored to resonate with our ethos at Thera-fi Counseling Services.

Definition of DBT Therapy

Imagine a therapy that’s all about balancing things out, just like how you balance your social life, school, and personal interests. That’s what Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is all about – finding the middle ground. Initially designed for people who feel emotions very intensely, it’s a type of therapy that combines traditional ways of managing thoughts and behaviors with mindfulness, which is a fancy way of saying living in the moment and accepting feelings for what they are. It’s about facing head-on the tough parts of life and finding ways to move forward.

The Four Pillars of DBT

1. Mindfulness: Being in the Now

Mindfulness is about being present. Have you ever zoned out during a conversation or while reading a book? Mindfulness teaches you to stay focused and live in the moment, rather than worrying about the past or future.

2. Distress Tolerance: Learning to Weather the Storm

Life throws curveballs. Distress tolerance is about surviving those tough times without making them worse. It’s like knowing how to stay calm in the middle of a storm.

3. Emotional Regulation: Handling Your Feelings

Ever felt so angry or sad that you wished you could just switch off that feeling? Emotional regulation teaches you to understand and manage your feelings, so they don’t get the best of you.

4. Interpersonal Effectiveness: Building Better Relationships

This part is all about learning to communicate better with others. Whether it’s asking for what you need without conflict or saying no when you need to, it’s about making your relationships healthier.

How Does DBT Work?

DBT usually involves a few different methods, like one-on-one chat with a therapist, group sessions that feel more like a class, and even phone coaching for extra support when you need it. Homework helps practice these new skills in real life.

Why Thera-fi Believes in DBT

At Thera-fi, we’re all about breaking down the barriers to effective, empathetic, and personal mental health care. We see the strength in every individual who decides to start their journey with us, and DBT is one of the many tools we believe can make a real difference. Why? Because it’s practical, focuses on both acceptance and change, and most importantly, it empowers you to be the best version of yourself, even during the tough times.

Just like we carefully select our professionals to match your needs, we tailor our approach to fit you – because your story is unique, and your therapy should be too. Shedding the weight of bureaucracy, Thera-fi is here to guide you through with DBT, making sure you feel heard, understood, and valued. Because together, we can navigate the complexities of life, balancing them with grace, strength, and resilience.

Importance of understanding how DBT works

At Thera-fi Counseling Services, we’re on a mission to light up the path of healing with understanding, compassion, and a dash of rebellion against the traditional, often impersonal, mental health care system. Let’s dive into the heart of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) together, breaking it down in a way that resonates with the vibrant spirit of a 9th grader.

The Heart of DBT: Balancing Act

Think of DBT as your personal toolkit for navigating the highs and lows of life. It’s like being a tightrope walker, where DBT teaches you the art of balance. Life can toss us around with emotions so strong they could knock us off our feet. DBT is here to catch you, to teach you to stand firm, and to keep moving forward with confidence.

The Four Pillars of Strength

Being Present: Mindfulness

Ever find yourself scrolling through social media, missing out on a conversation right in front of you? Mindfulness is like snapping back into the real world, breathing in the now, and letting go of the “what ifs.”

Surviving the Storm: Distress Tolerance

When things get tough, distress tolerance is your anchor in the storm. It’s about finding calm in chaos without making things worse. Imagine facing a fear without running away—this skill teaches you how.

Managing Emotions: Emotional Regulation

Emotions can be overwhelming, right? Emotional regulation is like having a remote control for your feelings, helping you understand and manage them better without letting them control you.

Building Connections: Interpersonal Effectiveness

Ever struggle with asking for what you need or setting boundaries? This skill is all about making your relationships healthier and communication clearer, without the drama.

Why DBT Rocks

Here at Thera-fi, we’re not about just going through the motions. We believe in DBT because it matches our passion for helping you find your strength, your balance, and your voice. Understanding DBT isn’t just about therapy sessions; it’s about empowering you to navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience.

It’s Personal

Just like we handpick our therapists to match your journey, DBT is tailored to you. Your story is unique, and your path to wellness should be too. We’re here to walk that path with you, step by step, heart to heart.

Breaking Free from the Norm

We’re all about flipping the script on traditional mental health care. No more faceless treatment plans or feeling like just another number. With DBT, and Thera-fi by your side, you’re in the driver’s seat— informed, involved, and in control.

Empowerment at Its Best

DBT equips you with the tools to not just survive, but thrive. It’s about discovering your power to overcome anxiety, trauma, depression, and more. We believe in you, and we’re here to help you believe in yourself.

Your Path, Your Pace

Thera-fi Counseling Services is not just another counseling service; we’re a veteran-owned, quality-focused team that’s all about empowering you. We’re here to offer not just our expertise, but our unwavering support and dedication—every step of the way.

Understanding DBT is the first step. Walking this journey together, we’re committed to helping you find your balance, your strength, and your peace—on your terms. Let’s redefine what healing looks like, together.

What is DBT Therapy

Understanding DBT Therapy with Thera-fi

Hey there! Let’s dive into understanding what Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) really is, but let’s keep it simple and straight to the heart of the matter. We’re all about making things clearer and more approachable, especially when dealing with something as important as your journey to healing and empowerment.

Imagine you’re navigating through a dense forest – that’s kind of like going through life with intense emotions and tough challenges. This is where DBT steps in. It’s like your compass and map, guiding you through those tough times with skills and strategies that work.

Take a Deep Breath And Focus Here

First up, mindfulness – this is all about living in the moment, truly experiencing life as it happens, not just going through the motions. Think of it as stopping to breathe and feel the sunshine on your face, even if the forest around you is pretty wild.

Switching gears to distress tolerance, this is your toolkit for when things get rough. We’re talking about those moments when you feel like you just can’t deal. DBT teaches you techniques to weather the storm, without making things worse.

Then, there’s emotion regulation. Emotions can get pretty overwhelming, right? Well, emotion regulation helps you understand and manage those feelings better, so they don’t end up controlling you. It’s like learning to ride the waves instead of being knocked over by them.

Lastly, we’ve got interpersonal effectiveness. This one’s all about your relationships with others. It helps you communicate better, ask for what you need, and set boundaries, all while keeping the peace and strengthening your connections.

Now, why does all this matter, and why with Thera-fi? We’re not about the one-size-fits-all approach. We know that your experience, your struggles, and your healing journey are yours alone. By understanding DBT together, we’re empowering you to navigate through life’s challenges with skill, resilience, and yes, a bit of rebellion against the “standard” way of doing things. Plus, if we don’t think that our services are the best match for you, we refer you to someone that we think you will be better off with.

How Does DBT Therapy Work: Thera-fi Professionals

At Thera-fi, we’re more than just professionals behind a screen; we’re real people committed to your well-being. We bring you top-notch care that respects your privacy, values your time, and honestly, gives you the personalized attention you deserve. Our therapists aren’t overloaded; they’re handpicked for their qualifications and their passion for making a real difference. That means they’re 100% there for you, helping you find not just any path, but the right one for you.

Finally, navigating life’s challenges can be tough, but you’re not alone. With DBT and Thera-fi, you’re gearing up with the right tools and the best team by your side. Together, let’s empower you to break free from what holds you back, and step into a future where you’re in control of your emotional world, living a life filled with meaning and connection.

The Core Components Of DBT

Breaking Down DBT: Your Toolkit for Tough Times

Hey there! Let’s dive into something pretty cool called Dialectical Behavior Therapy, or DBT for short. We know life can sometimes feel like a rollercoaster with its ups and downs. At Thera-fi, we’re all about giving you the tools to handle those wild rides with a bit more ease. So, let’s break it down together, in a way that’s easy to get and feels like we’re just chatting.

First up, Mindfulness

Think of this like learning to hit the pause button in a video game. It’s all about staying in the “now,” so you’re not worrying about yesterday or stressing about tomorrow. It’s like when you’re really into a good song, and you’re not thinking about anything else. That’s being mindful.

Next, we have Distress Tolerance

Life throws challenges at us – that’s just how it is. But what if you had a superhero shield that helped you deal with them without feeling like the world is ending? That’s what Distress Tolerance is like. It’s about making it through tough times without making them tougher.

Moving on to Emotional Regulation

Emotions can be intense, right? Sometimes they feel all over the place. Emotional Regulation is like being the DJ of your feelings. You learn how to turn the volume up or down on them, so they’re not in charge – you are. This means not letting anger or sadness call all the shots.

Lastly, there’s Interpersonal Effectiveness

This one’s about your relationships with friends, family, and even teachers. It’s like having a guidebook on how to ask for what you need and say no when you need to, all while keeping things cool and not hurting feelings.

So, why does this matter, and why with Thera-fi? Well, we get it. Life’s tough, and we’re here to help in a way that doesn’t feel like just another chore or homework assignment. We’re on your team, fighting the good fight against the stuffy old ways of doing things. Our therapists? They’re handpicked for their skills and big hearts. They want to work with you, and they’re all about making sure you feel understood, valued, and empowered.

Moreover, we’re more than just a voice on the other end of the phone or text. We’re here, sleeves rolled up, ready to walk this path with you. Using DBT, we’re not just talking about getting through the tough stuff; we’re about giving you the power to face it head-on, with confidence and a toolkit that’s tailored just for you. So let’s do this together. Let’s make those roller coaster rides a bit smoother and show those challenges that you’re the boss.


Mindfulness, in its core, is about being completely in the moment. Imagine this: you’re here, right where your feet touch the ground, fully immersed in now. It’s like when you’re so into a song that everything else fades away. That’s being present.

First off, let’s acknowledge that mindfulness isn’t something out of reach or only for certain people. It’s actually a part of all of us. However, like any good thing, it blossoms with a little care and practice. At Thera-fi, we believe in nurturing this innate ability with the same devotion we pour into every aspect of our care.

Additionally, mindfulness teaches us to be observant without getting overrun by what’s happening around us. It’s like standing in the middle of a storm and finding that spot of calm right at the center. You notice the wind, the noise, but you stay rooted, unshaken.

How Does DBT Therapy Work: Continued

Furthermore, embracing mindfulness doesn’t mean shutting out the world or ignoring the things that need our attention. Instead, it’s about finding a balance. It helps us respond to life’s challenges with thoughtfulness and care, rather than just reacting on impulse.

And here’s something empowering: this mindfulness, this incredible tool for navigating the ups and downs of life, is something you can strengthen and use, no matter where you are or what you’re facing. At Thera-fi, we are all about this journey—guiding, supporting, and empowering you every step of the way.

To wrap up, mindfulness isn’t just a word or a trend. It’s a practice, a companion, and a way of living that brings you closer to your true self and the rich tapestry of life around you. As a part of the Thera-fi family, you have a team behind you, cheering you on as you tap into this powerful resource within you. Together, let’s embrace the present with open hearts and minds.

Distress Tolerance

At the heart of what we do here at Thera-fi, is understanding and navigating through life’s tidal waves. Distress tolerance, put simply, is our innate ability to sail through rough emotional seas without letting the waves capsize our boat. It’s about holding steady, even when the storm wants to throw us off course.

Firstly, let’s demystify this a bit. Imagine you’re facing a whirlwind of emotions, the kind that tug at your soul and test your spirit. Distress tolerance is that deep, inner strength that helps you say, “I can weather this storm.” It doesn’t mean the storm isn’t fierce or that you’re not feeling its force; it means you’re learning to stand strong amid the chaos.

Moreover, it’s crucial to recognize that not everyone starts with the same level of distress tolerance. That’s perfectly okay. Our journeys are as unique as we are. Some of us might feel the weight of the world at the slightest breeze, while others have learned to brace against stronger winds. Here at Thera-fi, we embrace each of these journeys with open arms and a steadfast commitment to guiding you towards harnessing your own strengths.

How Does DBT Therapy Work: Deeper Dive

Furthermore, developing distress tolerance isn’t about shutting out the world or masking the pain. Rather, it’s about building a toolkit – a set of skills that help you navigate through life’s inevitable storms. Through practices like Dialectical Behavior Therapy, we equip you with ways to face life’s challenges head-on, turning turbulent waters into a path for growth.

And here’s the empowering part: As you begin to master these skills, you’ll find yourself not only surviving but thriving. You’ll start to see challenges as opportunities to grow, to stretch your wings and soar higher. At Thera-fi, we’re more than just a team; we’re your co-pilots, dedicated to your journey towards emotional resilience and well-being.

In conclusion, distress tolerance is about embracing life’s storms, knowing you have what it takes to make it through. And the beautiful part? You’re not alone. Here at Thera-fi, we stand ready to walk this path with you, every step of the way, with empathy, professional guidance, and an unwavering belief in your strength.

Emotional Regulation

Navigating through our feelings, especially the tough ones, can be like trying to steer a ship through stormy seas. At Thera-fi, we understand this journey deeply and earnestly. Today, let’s embark on understanding a vital skill that’s as crucial as the compass for that ship: emotion regulation.

First off, emotion regulation isn’t about ignoring or controlling your emotions. Instead, it’s learning to understand them, to ride the waves without letting the sea toss you around. It’s about recognizing when you’re starting to feel overwhelmed and knowing how to calm the waters, maintaining your course.

Let’s break it down a bit further. Imagine you’re having a really bad day; everything seems to be going wrong. Emotion regulation is that voice inside you that says, “Okay, let’s take a breath and see how we can make this better,” rather than letting frustration take the wheel. It’s about finding balance, not about pushing feelings away or pretending they don’t exist.

Moreover, mastering emotion regulation is incredibly empowering. It gives you the tools to face any situation, no matter how tough, with a clear mind and a calm heart. It’s like being your own emotional navigator, able to sail through both calm and choppy waters with confidence.

How Does DBT Therapy Work: It Gets Better

And here’s the beautiful part: developing this skill enriches your journey, helping you connect deeper with yourself and others. It allows for healing, growth, and discovering strength you might not have realized you had. At Thera-fi, we’re passionately committed to guiding you through this learning process. We’re here to offer our expertise, support, and understanding every step of the way—without any jargon or unnecessary complexity.

Remember, at Thera-fi, we’re more than just advisors; we’re allies. We disdain the red tape that often entangles the path to wellness. Our approach is simple – to offer heartfelt, expert guidance that speaks to you personally, respecting your intelligence, independence, and the emotional nuances of your unique journey.

To wrap up, emotion regulation is like learning to navigate life’s vast emotional landscapes with grace and resilience. It’s not about changing who you are but enhancing your natural ability to face life’s ups and downs. Here at Thera-fi, we stand ready to support you in harnessing this powerful tool, empowering you to live a life marked by emotional harmony and personal growth.

Interpersonal Effectiveness

Navigating through our social worlds can sometimes feel as intricate and daunting as finding our way through a dense, uncharted forest. Here at Thera-fi, we understand the complex nature of interpersonal relationships and the need for authentic connection. Let’s delve into a crucial skill set known as interpersonal effectiveness, designed to guide you through the social labyrinth with ease and confidence.

Interpersonal effectiveness, simply put, involves the art of interacting with others in a way that is respectful, assertive, and rewarding. First and foremost, this means being able to express your needs and wants clearly without stepping on others’ toes or sacrificing your own values. Whether it’s asking a friend for a favor, negotiating a curfew with parents, or discussing grades with a teacher, how you approach these interactions can make all the difference.

How Does DBT Therapy Work: Relationships

Moreover, interpersonal effectiveness isn’t just about getting what you want from others. It’s equally about building strong, supportive relationships based on mutual respect and understanding. It teaches you to listen just as much as you speak, acknowledging others’ feelings and perspectives, thereby fostering a sense of trust and cooperation.

Additionally, this skill set empowers you to navigate conflicts more smoothly. Disagreements are a natural part of any relationship, but the ability to handle them with poise and respect can turn potential conflicts into opportunities for growth and deeper understanding.

We at Thera-fi champion these skills because we believe in empowering you to forge connections that are both enriching and enduring. We disdain the one-size-fits-all approach and bureaucratic red tape that can often cloud the therapeutic experience. Instead, we focus on tailoring our guidance to fit your personal journey, respecting your unique circumstances and the emotional depth they carry.

In essence, mastering interpersonal effectiveness equips you with the tools to not only enhance your relationships but also to actively contribute to a healthier, more understanding community. It’s about building bridges, understanding different viewpoints, and nurturing relationships that uplift and support.

We are committed to guiding and supporting you through every step of this learning process. Remember, in this journey of interpersonal growth, you are not alone. Our dedicated team is here to share their expertise and provide a caring, supportive environment. We’re more than just a service; we’re your partner in building a healthier, more connected future.

How DBT Works: A Step-by-Step Guide

DBT, short for Dialectical Behavior Therapy, is like a guide for managing tough emotions and relationships. At Thera-fi, we get that life can be kinda like a rollercoaster—exciting, but also pretty challenging. We’re here to give you the tools to ride through it with your head held high.

Step 1: Balance Act

First off, DBT is about striking a balance. It’s learning to say, “Okay, things aren’t perfect, but I can work through it.” It’s about accepting who you are but also knowing you can grow and get better at handling stuff life throws at you.

Step 2: Learning the Skills

Next, you’ll learn some killer skills to handle different life situations. Think of it as learning to play a video game—the more you practice, the better you get. There are four key moves:

  • Mindfulness: This is all about living in the now and noticing what’s going on inside your head without getting all judgy about it.
  • Distress Tolerance: Life can get rough, and distress tolerance is like having an emergency kit to help you through the really tough times without freaking out.
  • Emotion Regulation: Imagine having a remote control for your feelings. Emotion regulation helps you turn the volume down on the heavy stuff so you’re not overwhelmed.
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness: This is about dealing with people in a way that’s respectful but still gets your point across, all while keeping your relationships solid.

Step 3: One-on-One Time

This is when you meet just with your therapist—kind of like having a coach who’s totally into helping you win. You get to talk about what’s bugging you in a place that’s safe and private.

Step 3: Group Hangouts

You’re not in this alone, so group therapy is like being on a team where everyone’s working on some of the same stuff. You can share experiences, get and give support, and practice your new skills together with others who totally get it.

Step 4: Keep Growing

At Thera-fi, we’re all about kicking old, annoying rules to the curb and making sure you get the help you need in a way that feels right for you. DBT is a journey, sort of like leveling up in life. Our job is to team up with you, giving you the know-how, the kindness, and the backup to take on whatever comes your way.

Life can be a lot to handle, but with Thera-fi and DBT, you’ve got this. We believe in you—your strength, your bravery, and your ability to grow. Let’s unlock your potential together. Because here, we heal on our own terms.

Initial assessment and goal-setting

Wooo! Starting therapy can feel like uncharted territory, right? It’s totally normal to wonder what’s going to happen first and what you’re supposed to aim for. We’ve got your back. Here’s the lowdown on how we kick things off with an initial assessment and how we set goals together.

Initial Assessment: Getting to Know You

Think of the initial assessment as the start of a new alliance – a chance for us to get to know the real you. It’s not a test or a bunch of hoops to jump through. It’s a heart-to-heart chat where you can lay it all out on the table – your struggles, your hopes, all of it. It definitely feels like talking to someone you met for the first time and you think this person is a keeper. Unfortunately, this is also where we create boundaries and let you know it is a professional relationship.

We’re here to help you and coach you so of course, you may feel like: “Did we just become best friends?” The answer is nope. I know, I know. But we got a job to do and it is to get you back in the world doing better than you before you came in. Initial assessments aren’t meant to challenge you. It is a deeper version of a meet and greet. In fact, a session or two later, you’ll probably think of your therapist like less of a new best friend and more of a teacher that gives you homework – blah!

Our genuine pros will listen closely and ask questions to understand what you’ve been through and where you’re coming from. It’s like putting together pieces of a puzzle, but the picture is your life. Don’t worry about judgment or red tape here – we’re about as fond of bureaucracy as we are of traffic jams on a Friday afternoon – which is to say, not at all… also why we are fully remote.

We care about your privacy and comfort. Everything you tell us is just between us, and we use it to figure out the best ways to support you.

Goal Setting: Charting Your Course

Once we’ve got a solid snapshot of what’s up, we move on to goal setting. Now, this isn’t about setting pie-in-the-sky dreams or ‘shoulds’ dumped on you by someone else. It’s about what you want to achieve – big or small. Maybe it’s learning how to dial down stress, improving friendships, or handling those curveballs life throws without feeling like you’re striking out.

Together, we’ll craft goals that feel right to you, and we’ll also plan how to tackle them. It’s a bit like choosing your adventure and then mapping out the journey. It’s all about making things better, step by reasonable step, with plenty of high-fives along the way.

Goal setting isn’t about pressure; it’s about progress. It’s about taking control and saying, “This is my life, and I’m steering this ship.” So, while the seas might get choppy, you’ll have us as your trusty crew, making sure you’ve got the tools and support to navigate through.

At Thera-fi, it’s your path, your pace, your goals. We’re just here to light the path with some pro guidance, encouragement, and maybe some rockin’ tunes for the journey.

Individual Therapy Sessions

Navigating the path of personal growth and healing isn’t just a journey—it’s a true adventure, isn’t it? At Thera-fi, individual therapy sessions are key stops along the way. Think of these sessions as your personal space, a spot where you can voice your thoughts, unpack your feelings, and tackle challenges with someone who really gets it.

So, What Exactly Happens in Individual Therapy Sessions?

First off, imagine having a conversation with someone who’s totally in your corner—someone who’s not just listening, but listening with purpose. Our therapists are here to understand you, not just to hear you. They’re seasoned pros who can handle the raw, the rough, and the real with empathy and expertise.

Moreover, these sessions are all about you. You get to set the pace and the direction of the conversation. Whether you’re dealing with stress, sadness, or confusion—or perhaps you’re celebrating accomplishments and breakthroughs—it’s all worthy of discussion. Here, you’re the captain, and the therapist is your navigation officer.

Additionally, you can think of each session as a building block. With each meeting, you’re constructing a stronger foundation for your mental health. It’s a safe space where you’re encouraged to face fears, rethink habits, and cultivate strengths. The goal? To empower you to steer through life’s storms and come out feeling more confident and in control.

Furthermore, transparency is part of the journey. In these sessions, nothing is off-limits, and everything is confidential. We’re dismantling the old-school bureaucracy that too often muffles voices rather than amplifying them. Here, it’s straightforward: your story, your struggles, your successes, and your sessions catered to fit your unique journey.

Lastly, and most importantly, this is your time to explore, understand, and reshape your narrative. With every session, you’re not just talking things out; you’re taking steps forward. It’s not just about coping—it’s about transforming.

Group Skills Training Sessions

What are Group Skills Training Sessions?

At Thera-fi, we believe in the power of connection and the strength of learning together. In our group skills training sessions, you’re not just sitting and listening to someone talk at you. No, these sessions are all about interaction, about getting hands-on experience in a vibrant, supportive atmosphere.

How It Works

Imagine being in a room with others who are there to learn just like you. Maybe it’s about getting better at communicating, or perhaps it’s about understanding how to resolve conflicts without losing your cool. In these sessions, you’ll engage in activities like group discussions, role-playing situations, and cooperative problem-solving. It’s like a workshop where everyone contributes, learns, and grows.

Learn from Each Other

One of the coolest parts about group skills training is seeing how different people handle similar situations. You get to exchange ideas, offer feedback, and hear diverse perspectives. It’s a shared journey that makes learning stick—because you’re not just hearing about how to do things, you’re actually trying them out in real time, with real people.

Safe Space for Growth

In every session, you’re in a safe space to try, fail, learn, and succeed. We keep things real and straightforward, always respecting your thoughts and feelings. Remember, it’s about moving forward together, building skills that aren’t just about surviving life, but thriving in it.

In these group skills training sessions at Thera-fi, we’re tearing down the formal, stuffy ways of traditional learning. We’re here to empower you, to equip you with skills that matter, and to ensure that you’re ready to tackle life’s challenges head-on, with a group of allies by your side.

Let’s learn together, grow together, and maybe even have a few laughs along the way. Are you ready? Your journey towards empowerment and enhanced skills starts in our next session. Join us, and let’s shake things up in the best way possible!

Phone Coaching

Your Line to Personal Empowerment

At Thera-fi, we understand that your journey towards healing and self-improvement must adapt to your life, not the other way around. That’s why we offer Phone Coaching—a flexible, personal bridge to mental wellness and skill development, all from the comfort of your chosen environment.

What Exactly is Phone Coaching?

Phone coaching is less about the phone and more about reaching professional guidance wherever you are, ensuring that help is always at hand. Whether you are dealing with anxiety, grappling with depression, seeking to overcome personal obstacles, or simply attempting to cultivate a sharper mind, our phone coaching provides a direct line to your therapist.

Personalized and Empathetic Connection

Through your mobile phone or any landline, you can connect one-on-one with a dedicated therapist who’s familiar not just with your name, but with your story. Our therapists listen with genuine care and speak with expertise. There’s no generic advice here; everything is tailored, because no two clients—and indeed, no two sessions—are alike. This service is crafted around your needs, your goals, and your timing.

Breaking Barriers, Not Schedules

We recognize the pressures of modern life, and we jeer at the old-fashioned notions that therapy can only happen in stuffy offices during rigid times. Phone coaching fits around your schedule to provide support when you need it most—even if it’s just a quick check-in between meetings or a detailed session to unravel a complex emotional thread during a crisis. And because we value your privacy and security, every call is handled with the utmost confidentiality and sensitivity.

Unmatched Professional Support

Our therapists aren’t just voices on the end of the line; they are accredited professionals chosen for their qualifications and their humane approach to therapy. They manage their caseloads to avoid burnout, which guarantees that their focus is sharp and empathy is genuine when you call. You’re not merely dialing into a service; you’re joining a therapeutic alliance designed to empower and uphold your journey to better mental health.

Phone coaching with Thera-fi isn’t just an appointment—it’s a commitment to your continuous growth and wellbeing. This is your hotline to a life where you are heard, supported, and empowered. Are you ready to take control? Let us bring the solutions right to your ear, no matter where you are. Together, let’s make empowerment as easy as picking up the phone.

Therapist Consultation Team

Meet Our Therapist Consultation Team at Thera-fi

At Thera-fi, we do things differently. We believe everyone’s journey to feeling better is personal. That’s why our Therapist Consultation Team isn’t just a group of experts; they’re passionate about listening and really understanding what you’re going through. We know that talking about mental health can be tough, but we’re here to make it easier and more comfortable for you.

Our Unique Approach

Your well-being is our main focus. That’s why each member of our consultation team is carefully chosen for their skills and their desire to help people. They’re not just doing a job; they care deeply and want to make a difference. Our therapists handle their schedules themselves, keeping their workload just right so they’re always fresh and ready to focus on you. Moreover, our consultation team our are therapists!

You’re In Control

We believe you should have the power to shape your own therapy. Our consultation team guides and supports you, but you get to make the final choices. Whether you’re dealing with stress, sadness, family issues, or trauma, we’re here with open ears and warm hearts. We aren’t just helping you get through tough times; we’re empowering you to find your own strength and move forward with confidence.

Safe and Supportive Space

Additionally, your privacy and comfort are super important to us. When you talk to our Therapist Consultation Team, you can feel safe and free from judgement. Our team is here to support you every step of the way, making sure you feel heard and understood.

Ready to Start?

We’re not just professionals; we’re caring human beings who are eager to help you on your journey towards feeling better. If you’re ready to take a new step, we’re right here to walk you through it. With Thera-fi, you’re not just starting therapy; you’re starting a journey to a happier, healthier you with a team that truly believes in your potential.

Most importantly, let’s change the way we look at mental health together. Welcome to Thera-fi.

The Science Behind DBT Therapy

Understanding DBT Therapy: A Simple Explanation

What is DBT Therapy?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy, or DBT, is a type of therapy designed to help people with strong emotional feelings and distressing behaviors. It was originally created to help adults who struggle with managing their emotions and have intense reactions to situations.

The Science Behind It

DBT is special because it blends two important ideas: accepting who you are while also recognizing that you can make positive changes. This balance helps people find a middle ground where they can feel stable and improve at the same time.

Key Components of DBT

  • Mindfulness: This teaches you to live in the present moment and be aware of your thoughts and feelings without judgment.
  • Distress Tolerance: This is all about handling tough emotions and surviving difficult times without making things worse.
  • Emotion Regulation: These skills help you manage and change intense emotions that are causing problems in your life.
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness: This involves techniques that help you communicate with others in a way that is assertive, maintains self-respect, and strengthens relationships.

Why DBT Works

DBT provides specific tools that help in coping with emotional distress and improving relationships. It’s not just for one type of problem but can be helpful for various issues, including anxiety, depression, and more. This flexibility makes DBT a powerful method for healing.

Why Choose DBT?

At Thera-fi Counseling Services, we believe deeply in the power of DBT because it fosters both acceptance and growth. We see it as a fantastic tool to not only cope with life’s challenges but to thrive amidst them. Our dedicated professionals are not just experts in their fields; they are compassionate individuals committed to your wellbeing. They’ve chosen this work to make a real difference, helping each client navigate their unique paths to healing.

DBT isn’t about conforming to rigid therapeutic norms; it’s about empowering you to find your best self, within a structure that respects your individual needs. By fostering both balance and change, DBT aligns beautifully with our mission to provide personalized, empathetic, and empowering support to each person we serve.

DBT: Your Path to Empowerment

Choosing to engage with DBT at Thera-fi means stepping into a supportive space where your feelings are validated and your growth is championed. Remember, embracing therapy is a profound act of courage and a decisive step towards not just surviving, but thriving. Let’s navigate this journey together, with genuine care at every step. Welcome to a place where healing happens on your terms, empowered by empathy and expertise every step of the way.

Conditions Treated by DBT Therapy

What Can DBT Therapy Do for You?

Discovering DBT Therapy
Have you ever felt like your emotions are in the driver’s seat, taking you places you didn’t plan to go? That’s where Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) can help. It’s like a map and a set of tools for your mental health journey. DBT is a kind of counseling that helps you manage your feelings, improve your relationships, and find better ways to cope with life’s challenges.

A Range of Conditions DBT Can Help

Dealing with Strong Emotions

DBT started out as a way to help people with Border altruistic Practice) management personality disorders and mood disorders. For those of you who might feel like you’re riding a rollercoaster of emotions or stuck in a low mood, DBT can teach you how to find a more stable and happier place.

Less Worry, More Peace

For anyone who deals with anxiety, DBT is like learning to calm the storm inside. It gives you skills to handle worry and fear, so they don’t keep you from enjoying life.

Healing From the Past

If you’re haunted by past traumas, DBT can be like a safe harbor. It offers strategies to handle painful memories and start living more in the now.

A New Relationship With Food

Eating disorders can confuse how you see food and yourself. DBT can guide you to a healthier approach to eating and feeling good in your own skin.

Breaking Free From Addictions

If drugs or alcohol are taking over, DBT helps you grab the steering wheel back. It’s like a toolkit for understanding cravings and staying on the path to sobriety.

Better Habits, Healthier Choices

DBT is also good for anyone working on stopping self-harm or getting anger under control. It teaches ways to replace harmful habits with healthy choices.

Why Thera-fi Is the Right Choice for DBT

Customized for You

At Thera-fi, we know every person’s story is different. That’s why we pair you with a therapist who gets you and your specific needs. We’re not into cookie-cutter care—we’re all about custom support that makes you feel understood and valued.

Professionals Who Care

Equally important, our therapists are handpicked for their skills and their hearts. They’re truly here to help you succeed. And because they choose their workload, they’re focused and fresh, ready to guide you without burning out.

Empowerment Is Key

Choosing DBT at Thera-fi means you’re ready to take charge of your life. We believe in empowering you every step of the way. DBT is not just about getting through the day; it’s about thriving and achieving your personal best.

Embarking on DBT therapy with Thera-fi isn’t just about getting help—it’s about joining forces with a caring, professional team that’s all in for your well-being. We’re here to walk alongside you as you move towards a brighter, more empowered future. Let’s break through barriers together and discover your true potential!

Our Team

Ready to see what Neil is up to? When he’s not directly working with the team on a project. He’s meeting new people on LinkedIn and trying to help solve problems there. Most importantly, he’s trying to connect people that need help with experts!

Borderline Personality Disorder

What Is Borderline Personality Disorder?

Understanding the Basics

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition where a person has intense and changing emotions, struggles with their self-image, and often finds their relationships very challenging. It can feel like being in a small boat in a big, stormy sea, where the water keeps shifting and turning unpredictably.

Dealing with Emotions

People with BPD experience strong emotions that can change quickly. They might feel extremely happy one moment and very sad or angry the next. This can be confusing and exhausting, not just for the person with BPD but also for their friends and family. Feelings of intense fear of abandonment or rejection are common, and these feelings can lead to impulsive actions or arguments.

How Does BPD Affect a Person’s Life?

Challenges with Identity

First of all, one of the toughest parts of BPD is not having a steady sense of who you are. In addition, people with BPD might often change their interests, friendships, or even values. They are constantly trying to figure out their real self, which can make life feel unstable and cause distress

How We Help at Thera-fi

Empowering and Effective Treatment

First of all, we understand how challenging life with BPD can be, and we’re here to help without making things complicated with unnecessary bureaucracy. Secondly, use treatments like Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), which has proven to be very effective. DBT helps by teaching skills to manage emotions, build better relationships, and live more mindfully.

Our Commitment to Personalized Care

Equally important, we know that everyone’s experience with BPD is different. That’s why our therapists are specially chosen to connect well with and understand their clients. They are dedicated to helping you find stability and improve your quality of life, at your own pace and in your own way.

You’re Not Alone

Moreover, if you or someone close is navigating the challenging waters of Borderline Personality Disorder, remember, we’re here with open arms at Thera-fi. Again, within our walls, you’ll discover a sanctuary dedicated to self-exploration, underpinned by security and the promise of empowerment. Furthermore, our team, seasoned and compassionate, stands ready to accompany you at every twist and turn on this path of healing and self-revelation.

Moreover, grappling with BPD is undeniably demanding, yet, armed with the appropriate support and resources, these hurdles become surmountable. Thus, here at Thera-fi, we are deeply committed to charting a course with you toward a future brimming with stability and joy. Together, let’s embark on this transformative quest.

Mood disorders (Depression, Anxiety)

Understanding Mood Disorders

Firstly, let’s dive into what mood disorders like depression and anxiety really mean. Imagine going through life with a heavy backpack that you can’t take off; that’s what dealing with these conditions can feel like. Depression isn’t just about feeling sad. It’s like looking at the world through gray glasses where nothing feels enjoyable. Anxiety, on the other hand, is like having a worry alarm that goes off way too often, making it hard to relax or enjoy the moment.

You’re Not Alone

Now, here at Thera-fi, we get how tough this can be. We know you need someone who really listens, someone who walks the journey with you—not ahead or behind you. At Thera-fi, our team is all about giving you that support. We believe in talking to you like an equal, making sure you feel understood, respected, and never just a number.

Our Unique Approach

Also, we’re not fans of the usual red tape and hoops you might find elsewhere. That’s why at Thera-fi, we keep things simple, straight to the point, and all about you. Our therapists were chosen for their knack for connecting with people and their dedication to making a difference. They pick their work, ensuring they’re always energized and ready to focus on you, making every session count.

Together on This Journey

Lastly, facing challenges like depression and anxiety is tough, but you’ve got a partner in us. Thera-fi is here to empower you to take control, find your strength, and start enjoying life again. With us, you’re not just getting help; you’re joining a family that’s all about breaking free from the weight of mood disorders and moving forward, step by step.

In conclusion, remember, this journey is yours, but you don’t have to walk it alone. At Thera-fi, we’re with you every step of the way, offering our guidance, understanding, and everlasting support. Let’s tackle this challenge together.

Eating disorders

Eating Disorders: It’s About More Than Just Food

Firstly, it’s important to understand that eating disorders are about much more than what we eat or don’t eat. They involve deep feelings about how we see ourselves and our bodies. It’s like being in a battle with your own thoughts about food and self-image every day.

Now, at Thera-fi Counseling Services, we get that talking about these struggles can be really hard. But here’s the thing: you’re not alone. We’re here to listen and help you without judging. We believe everyone’s story is unique, and we want to know yours.

Our Unique Approach to Help

Also, we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all way of helping. Our team of professionals is chosen carefully to make sure we can offer the best, most personal support possible. We listen and learn from you to create a plan that fits just right.

Because we care so much, we make things as simple and clear as possible. No confusing rules or hoops to jump through. We’re here to offer a helping hand in a way that feels comfortable and safe for you.

You Deserve the Best Care

Moreover, quality is super important to us. Our therapists pick their own schedules to stay fresh and focused for every person they help. This way, they’re at their best when working with you, ensuring you get the attention you deserve.

Lastly, stepping up to face an eating disorder is brave. At Thera-fi, we want to empower you to feel in control again. We’re here to walk by your side, offering encouragement and support every step of the way.

Together, We Can Make a Difference

In conclusion, struggling with an eating disorder can make you feel alone, but with Thera-fi, you’ve got a team ready to stand with you. Let’s work together on your journey towards healing. You’re so much more than your eating disorder, and we’re here to help you see that, too.

We understand it’s a big step, but reaching out for help is the first brave move towards feeling better. At Thara-fi, it’s all about you — finding your path to a healthier relationship with food and yourself. Let’s start this journey together.

Substance Abuse

Understanding Substance Abuse

Firstly, know that if you’re dealing with substance abuse, it’s not just a simple problem. It’s deep and complicated and can take over your life in many ways. At Thera-fi, we see you and understand that your struggle is real and tough. Although we don’t have a facility for detox, we do know local areas that do.

Clear Help Is Here

Secondly, we’re all about being clear and open in how we help. No secrets, no confusing steps. We keep it straightforward because your trust and time matter the most to us.

Our Empathetic Experts

Thirdly, our professional team is here to truly understand and connect with you. Each one of our staff has been chosen for their skills and their ability to listen and really hear what you’re going through.

A Journey Empowered by You

Next, it’s your journey, and we cheer for your strength every day. Whether you’re at the starting line or somewhere in the middle, our goal is to give you support that’s personalized just for you. It’s all about helping you take back your life from substance abuse.

Your Unique Treatment Plan

Also, our professionals are not overrun with work – this means they’re 100% there for you in every session. We believe the best healing happens when you and your clinician are a great match, working together like a team.

Always Standing Strong With You

Lastly, stepping towards recovery shows your incredible courage. At Thera-fi, we get the hard work it takes to face these challenges. We’re more than just a counseling service; we’re your ally in this fight, ready to stand by your side.

At Thera-fi, we’re here to lift you up and help you start fresh. Your journey to recovery is awaiting, and with our help, you can steer your life in the direction you choose.

Benefits of DBT Therapy

Understanding the Power of DBT Therapy

Firstly, let’s talk about how DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) can really make a difference. At Thera-fi, we know that dealing with intense emotions or tough life situations isn’t just about getting through the day; it’s about changing your life for the better. DBT is perfect for truly transforming how you handle emotional stress, relationships, and self-image.

The Heart of DBT: Empathy and Understanding

Secondly, one of the beautiful things about DBD is how it starts with validation. This means that our therapists truly listen to you and accept how you feel without judgment. This builds trust and leads to an open, honest relationship. Along with this, DBT teaches you clear, easy-to-understand skills like mindfulness (living in the moment), handling emotional outbursts, dealing with stress, and getting along better with others.

Gaining Practical Skills

Moreover, DBT is all about empowering you. It gives you real, practical tools to tackle those overwhelming feelings or to calm yourself down before things get too much. This isn’t just about talking; it’s about learning and practicing skills that you’ll use for life.

Tailored Just for You

Additionally, here at Thera-fi, we value your unique journey. That’s why we match you with therapists who not only have top qualifications but who also really get where you’re coming from. Our therapists manage their schedules to stay fresh and focused, ensuring that every session with you is energetic and thoughtful.

Strengthening Relationships

Furthermore, DBT is great for helping mend and deepen your relationships. The skills you learn will help you talk things out without conflict, set up healthy boundaries, and express your needs clearly and respectfully. That’s a big win for anyone struggling to connect with friends, family, or partners.

Inspired by Veterans’ Values

Lastly, our roots in military values inspire our dedication to discipline and commitment. We understand that tackling mental health challenges is no minor feat—it requires true bravery and persistence. Thera-fi is ready to support you all the way, offering guidance as you learn to manage your emotions and improve your relationships.

Encouraging Your Progress

DBT isn’t just about coping—it’s about thriving. At Thera-fi, we break through the typical red tape to make your access to therapy as straightforward as possible. We see your potential to live a brighter, more controlled life, and we’re here to help you achieve that with every tool and technique at our disposal. Join us at Thera-fi, where your growth and wellbeing are our highest priorities. Let’s take this empowering journey together.

DBT Therapy Techniques and Exercises

DBT Skills Simplified

We’re here to walk you through some really handy tools known as DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) skills. Think of us like your guides on this journey, making sure you feel understood and supported. Let’s dive in, keeping it simple and real.

Staying Present with Mindfulness

So, let’s start with something called mindfulness. Imagine hitting the pause button on a video game. Mindfulness is kind of like that, but for your thoughts and feelings. It’s about living in the moment, noticing everything around you, and not judging any of it. We’re going to practice focusing on our breath and being really aware of our surroundings. This can make a big difference in feeling calm and grounded.

Handling Tough Times

Next up is dealing with the hard stuff, also known as distress tolerance. Imagine you’re in a storm. This skill is about finding safe shelter until it passes. We teach you tricks to distract yourself, find comforting things, and make a not-so-great situation a little bit better. It’s all about getting through those rough patches without feeling overwhelmed.

Managing Your Emotions

Alright, now let’s talk about emotions. They can be like wild waves at times, right? Emotional regulation is about understanding those waves and learning how to surf them instead of getting pulled under. We’ll help you spot what’s triggering your feelings and show you ways to calm the waters. This means you get to feel more in control and less at the mercy of your emotions.

Building Stronger Relationships

Lastly, we have something super important—interpersonal effectiveness. This is all about making your relationships smoother. Think about expressing what you need and sticking up for yourself, but in a way that keeps the peace. We practice asking for things nicely and saying no when we need to, all without causing drama. It’s about connecting with others in a healthy, respectful way.

How to Get Started with DBT Therapy

Firstly, recognizing you need help and deciding to seek therapy are incredible steps on your path to healing. At Thera-fi, we celebrate your bravery and readiness to embrace change. You are taking control of your story, and that’s something truly powerful.

Choosing Your Partner in Healing

Secondly, we believe the right therapeutic match can transform lives. We pride ourselves on our carefully selected team of therapists. Each one is not just a professional but a caring individual who will be attuned to your unique needs. We ensure that you connect with someone who truly understands and can guide you effectively. You won’t get that with chatbot therapy or big box therapy.

Learning the DBT Basics Together

Thirdly, let’s simplify what DBT entails. When you begin sessions, your therapist will introduce the core components: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. This will equip you with the tools to manage emotions, relationships, and life’s unexpected challenges.

Setting Personal Goals

Moreover, your personal goals are our guideposts. During your therapy sessions, we’ll listen intently and work with you to set achievable, meaningful objectives. This collaboration ensures that your therapy journey remains focused on what’s most important to you.

Engaging in Meaningful Sessions

Additionally, Thera-fi is all about engagement and genuine interaction. Forget any sterile therapy experiences you might dread. Here, we provide a comforting and supportive space where real healing can occur—an environment that respects and acknowledges your journey.

Applying Skills in Real Life

Furthermore, therapy doesn’t end when the session does. We encourage and support you in bringing the skills you learn into your everyday life. Whether it’s overcoming a tough moment or reinforcing a positive one, we’re here to help you navigate it all.

Reflecting on Your Growth

Lastly, reflecting on your personal growth is crucial. It helps solidify the changes you’ve made and the lessons you’ve learned. At Thera-fi, we’re committed to reflecting with you, celebrating your victories, and adjusting strategies as needed to continue fostering your development.

At Thera-fi, we’re more than a counseling service; we’re a passionate team dedicated to supporting your mental health journey with empathy, professionalism, and a touch of rebellion against conventional therapy norms. Together, let’s break through barriers and forge a path toward healing and empowerment. We’re ready when you are—let’s start this transformative journey together.

How Does DBT Therapy Work: Final Thoughts

Understanding DBT: A Journey Together

Embarking on a Brave Journey

First off, realizing you might need a bit of extra help and reaching out for it is incredibly courageous. Here at Thera-fi, we’re all about celebrating that bravery. You’re not just seeking help; you’re taking a massive step towards taking control of your story. And that, in itself, is hugely powerful.

Finding Your Perfect Match

Next up, let’s talk about the importance of finding a therapist who gets you. At Thera-fi, we’ve gone the extra mile to bring together a team of therapists who aren’t just highly qualified, but also incredibly caring. We make sure you’re matched with someone who truly listens and can guide you on your healing journey, making sure it’s a perfect fit from the start.

Breaking Down DBT

Then there’s understanding what DBT actually involves. Your therapist will walk you through its core parts: mindfulness (learning to stay present), distress tolerance (handling tough times better), emotional regulation (managing your feelings), and interpersonal effectiveness (improving your relationships). These are your tools for a more balanced life.

Setting Goals Together

Moving on, we know how important it is to have goals. In your sessions, we’ll collaborate to figure out what you want to achieve. This way, we make sure your therapy journey is always moving in the right direction – your direction.

Real Talks in a Supportive Space

Plus, we want every session to feel like a real, meaningful conversation in a safe space. Forget any ideas of cold, clinical therapy sessions. Here, we’re all about warmth, understanding, and genuine support. More importantly, if you are experiencing cruddy therapists, drop them! Move on to a therapist that helps you grow!

Taking Skills into Real Life

Also, we encourage bringing what you learn into your everyday life. It’s one thing to talk about change; it’s another to live it. We’re here to support you in applying new skills, whether it’s navigating a tough moment or celebrating a win.

Celebrating Your Growth

Lastly, reflection is key. It’s important to look back at the ground you’ve covered and the growth you’ve achieved. At Thera-fi, we’re your cheerleaders on this journey, ready to celebrate every step forward with you.

A Closing Note

At Thera-fi, you’re much more than a client – you’re part of a community dedicated to your well-being. We’re here to empower you to break free from what holds you back, with DBT and our unmatched therapeutic support. Together, let’s step boldly into a future where you feel balanced, fulfilled, and truly understood. Ready to start this journey with us?

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is DBT Therapy and how does it differ from other therapies?

DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy that focuses on teaching patients skills to manage their emotions, cope with stress, and improve relationships. It differs from other therapies by emphasizing the balance between acceptance and change, and incorporating mindfulness practices.

2. What can I expect during a DBT therapy session?

During a DBT session, you can expect to engage in activities such as discussing your current challenges, learning new coping strategies, and practicing mindfulness. Sessions often involve both individual therapy and group skills training.

3. How long does it take to see results with DBT therapy?

The time it takes to see results with DBT therapy can vary, but many individuals start noticing improvements within a few weeks to a few months. Consistent participation and practice of the skills learned in therapy are crucial for achieving the best outcomes.

4. What are the key components of DBT therapy?

The key components of DBT therapy include individual therapy, group skills training, phone coaching for crisis support, and a consultation team for therapists. These components work together to provide comprehensive support for individuals.

5. How do I know if DBT therapy is right for me?

DBT therapy is often recommended for individuals who struggle with intense emotions, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, or borderline personality disorder. If you have tried other therapies without success, DBT might offer the structured approach you need.

6. Can DBT therapy help with issues other than borderline personality disorder?

Yes, DBT therapy can help with a variety of issues including depression, anxiety, PTSD, eating disorders, and substance abuse. Its skills-based approach is beneficial for anyone needing help with emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness.

7. What should I do if I feel overwhelmed by the techniques in DBT therapy?

If you feel overwhelmed by the techniques in DBT therapy, communicate with your therapist. They can help you break down the skills into more manageable steps and provide additional support. It’s important to take the process at your own pace and practice self-compassion.


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