Psychedelic Assisted Therapy: The Golden Gun

October 9, 2023
psychedelic assisted therapy
Psychedelic assisted therapy explained by team Thera-fi.

In today’s fast-paced and often chaotic world, the search for effective mental health treatments is more important than ever. We empathetically champion innovative approaches that prioritize the needs and experiences of our clients. Psychedelic assisted therapy is a groundbreaking technique that we’ve been following. It is a powerful and transformative tool that’s fast becoming the golden gun in modern mental healthcare.

Psychedelic Assisted Therapy: A Journey Through the Mind

Psychedelic-assisted therapy is an unconventional yet promising treatment route that integrates the use of psychedelic substances with therapeutic practices. In this guided and controlled process, clients receive professional support to navigate their unique emotional landscapes while under the effects of the psychedelic compound. This method has shown exceptional promise in alleviating the burdens of anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other mental health challenges. Still, the long term effects have not been studied.

Some of these psychedelics are rooted in indigenous cultures and revered as a means of healing. These substances have been revitalized within the mental health sphere. Additionally, the claims are empowering clients to break through ingrained thought patterns and bridge the gap between their conscious and unconscious self.

Psychedelic Assisted Therapy: Breaking the Shackles of Red Tape

Unfortunately, the bureaucratic measures that govern medical protocols have until now been a considerable obstacle in reaching the full potential of this treatment. Decades ago, there were a few studies that classified psychedelics as having no real medical purpose so they were lumped together and made illegal.

The good news is that times are changing: the FDA has tentatively recognized the efficacy of psychedelics like MDMA and psilocybin in recent research endeavors. This shift towards openness allows mental health professionals to explore new possibilities in certain states. Furthermore, they tailor custom treatments that focus on client outcomes rather than outdated dogmas.

Of course, there is a lot of money involved when it comes to legalizing these substances. Big pharma will lose hundreds of billions of dollars. They have products that were created to tackle these issues. Think we are exaggerating? Studies show that it costs anywhere between $300 million to nearly $3 billion to bring a new drug to market. It also takes about 12 years from start to finish. So you know big pharma will do their best to not lose their pants on their drug lineups.

Expert Guidance on Your Healing Path

For now, the clinicians have specific licenses and emergency personnel on scene for client welfare. As such, they are professionals who understand the potential impact of psychedelic-assisted therapy on the lives of clients; at least for the most part. You’ll always find fly by night investment companies throw their hat into the arena and attempt to do a cash grab.

We appreciate that embarking on this journey demands trust. This is where it can get dicey though. Before you jump in your car and drive to the psychedelic treatment retreat, do some research. This isn’t the wild west. You can find the state reps that are going about this the proper way.

In fact, we’ve reached out to them on several occasions to see what they were all about. They are in fact, easy to get a hold of and talk through your concerns and questions. These individuals don’t work for big companies but instead truly believe in the healing nature of certain substances. They don’t want shady companies to swoop in and tank the whole structure that they’ve been working on. So, reach out and you can quickly find out who is reputable in their respective state.

Your Health, Our Priority

The revolution of psychedelic-assisted therapy is the opportunity for a new beginning, a chance to break free from the shackles that hold you back. It will make it to Ohio before you know it. You can wait for it to become mainstream or travel to one of several states. Or there is always your neighboring countries. Still, do your research! You don’t want to jump in head first. Learn what the offer is. Does it sound legit? Does it sound too good to be true? Big claims need big proof. Think of the cost. What are the side-effects? What is the frequency of dose? What are the logistics?

Daily, we commit to providing quality over quantity. Our clinicians have time and space to ensure they are working at their optimal capacity. We pick therapists that genuinely comprehend, and selflessly support your aspirations for emotional freedom.

While we don’t offer psychedelic assisted therapy today, we do offer proven methods to take charge of your mental health. At Thera-fi, our mission is to empower you in the ultimate act of self-love and help you heal on your own terms. If you’d like to learn more about this topic, just let us know in the comments. Now, if you’d like to learn more about anxiety or depression, check out our blog. We update it several times a week. Check out our YouTube channel for easy viewing content.


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