Trauma in 2023 Can Be Experienced in Many Ways

August 1, 2023
Neil Colvin discussing Anxiety Fear of Abandonment in 2023
Anxiety Fear of Abandonment in 2023 is a tough challenge.

But, did you know that trauma in 2023 can get embedded into you at the cellular level?

One form of trauma can be the result of experiencing some kind of childhood trauma. This can be the emotional or physical abuse or neglect kind of trauma in 2023 that we often read about. Trauma can result from witnessing a distressing event. Alternatively, experiencing trauma inflicted by another person can also lead to such outcomes. One can even be a bystander to someone else’s abuse, by watching another child get abused or witnessing a fight. This form of trauma involves grappling with something terrifying and challenging. It occurs even when the individual is not the direct victim of the ordeal.

Certain experiences might make it challenging for individuals to trust others or communicate about their circumstances. A traumatic experience such as the loss of a loved one or an attack could lead to post-traumatic stress disorder. To illustrate, consider a child suffering from parental abuse. This traumatic episode could lead to the development of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in the child. Consequently, the child might become withdrawn, irritable, and angry. The person who experiences the trauma might also feel afraid. Studies show that if individuals don’t seek professional help, unprocessed feelings can profoundly impact them. These emotions affect not only our brains but also our bodies at a cellular level. We aren’t just talking about exacerbating a mental disorder. We are now talking about compounding effects that have lasting effects.

How Serious Is This?

Emotional and physical reactions triggered by stress can make you more susceptible to serious health conditions. These conditions include heart attacks, strokes, obesity, diabetes, and cancer. Numerous research studies support this finding, with a particularly notable study from Harvard Medical School.

Too Little Too Late?

Great news! It is never too late to work through these events in your life. You likely experienced trauma at the beginning of 2023 or even earlier. However, addressing these issues promptly can prevent the compounding effects on the individual. Addressing these problems promptly reduces the likelihood of experiencing damaging effects. Therefore, we recommend working with a licensed therapist. It just so happens that our staff are all top-of-the-class grads. So not only do they have the practical skills, they have superior knowledge and experience in tackling these issues quickly. Then the client can start the healing process as quickly as possible. Check out one of our newer articles about trauma. It is a great read for those wondering if therapy can make trauma worse.

Licensed therapists are experts

Licensed therapists in the industry have years of schooling, research, and practical experience before they start taking on clients. Unfortunately, as technology improves, we also see a lot of unlicensed “professionals” make serious claims that they can fix you. Some address your challenges via text only or chatbots. Although the claims might sound impressive, it’s important to remember a few things. A team of executives and marketers meticulously craft these statements. These professionals calculate the prices with precision. Their primary aim is to bill clients and swiftly move on to the next one. It is a scary place when you see huge investors pouring millions of dollars into the therapy platform. Ultimately, the client receives insufficient service. As a result, they continue to bear the lasting effects of trauma. Usually, this experience leads to an increased distrust of medical professionals.

Not all news is bad though. Many therapists do amazing work on a daily basis. The trick is to find the ones that make a difference. If you’d like to read about what separates Thera-fi counselors from the rest of the pack, check us out here. Some people love self help articles. Here’s a link to one of our more popular articles.


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